AFSPA, Army Act and the Police: The (Im)Possibility of Justice for the Citizen Victim?

Report of the Fact Finding Team on Sexual Assault in Dolopa, July 2012

Dolopa Fact FindingOn 13th July 2012, a Lance-Naik of the 287 Field Regiment of the Indian Army attempted to rape a 19 year old woman of the Mishing community in a forest close to the village of Dolopa in Assam. Even though the culprit was caught red-handed in the act, the Army refused to allow any criminal proceedings in ordinary courts to take place, while further traumatizing the victim and her mother by prolonged detention and interrogation.

This report by a fact finding team places this incident in the background of draconian laws like the AFSPA and the Army Act of 1950, describing how the immunity provided to security forces in an environment of institutionalized patriarchy further subverts the criminal justice system to the disadvantage of all civilians, particularly the women, indigenous community people and poorest of poor.

To download a pdf copy of the report, click on Dolopa_FactFinding_Report

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